Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 11

Life is moving! I’m planning a wedding! It can be a bit daunting, but I’m having fun. I’m looking at dresses, bridesmaid’s dresses, looking at guest lists, reception halls, going to taste cake at some point, doing preliminaries on lotsa things. When is the wedding you ask? Not for some time, but I’d be totally content having things done for months – getting my first choice on things, not feeling rushed into making decisions, and not having to worry about anything right before. Oh, and I start my job tomorrow and I’ll have to start doing things ‘after work’. So, when? We have some tentative dates and such picked, but are not publishing them for awhile. Pretty much anything we have said to anyone thus far, has changed, and I’m just not going to put it out there just to have to recant it the next day. :-p
Tomorrow in the Earllly AM, I’ll head out for my job. I went on a bit of a shopping spree today and got some good work outfits, all Business Casual. It’s quite a different attire than what is currently required when I cut grass or when I used to work in the kitchen. Who knows, since I’m excited about my clothes, maybe I’ll enjoy wearing them more often and not always just a t-shirt, sweat shirt and gym pants. I’ll just cross my fingers and hope that tomorrow goes ok. It should, right? I interviewed with them and liked them and could the first day really be challenging? They hired me because of my skills in certain areas, my knowledge base, and because we got along, right? Ok. I can do this. Lil’ pep talk here. It WILL work out, for the time that I am here. I mean, eventually I’m getting married and eventually I may actually have to live in the same city, state, and appt. as Joel. Yes, I’m still getting used to that facet of this engagement thing.
New topic, that one is scary; there is so much change in so little time. Weather was beautiful out – all day long, starting at 6:30 in the morning on this particular Sunday when I happened to get up. I was woken up really, to a pug staring me in the face and begging for food and a walk. After 15 unsuccessful minutes of delaying the inevitable,

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