Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ho Hum

Pictures are of the group of us in the Catskills, my little friend (a red eft perhaps?) and the Kaaterskill Falls.
Just got back from a weekend up in the Catskills. I smell of fire and oddly like a short order cook at Uncle Bills. We had onions, potatoes, eggs and sausage cooked over a roasty toasty fire this morning, so at some point, I'll have to give up this lovely scent to a shower.

It's like... 97 degrees here and we're baking here in the apt. How much would it cost to buy a cool front? I rememeber near the Beijing Olympics they were creating clouds so it would rain and decrease the polution, couldn't we manufacture something like that here?

Get to pick a home grown red pepper this afternoon and another tomato. I'm so glad we have a balcony and can grow things... It keeps me sane.

I think the local pool is calling to me as are the chocolate chip cookies on the counter. Yum.
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