Saturday, June 30, 2007

9+1+3+2+x+y+Z= 24

Saturday night in Atlanta and heading home tomorrow. It's been a quick week. I can say one thing for this week, we've been hiking! We've hiked stone mountain and then today at sweetwater state park - - - Insert 3 day gap - - -
Noonish on a lovely Tuesday afternoon.
Sleeping time: 9 hrs.
Blog reading time: 1 hr.
Time spent in PT, or doing PT: 3 hrs.
Hiking: 2 hrs.
And I wonder where my days go. Huh.

I love reading blogs, they are so personal. It is almost as if I'm having a conversation with someone but can't get a word in edgewise or alter the content. But I love it. Every person's writing has a style to it that if you have spent a considerable amount of time with that individual, you can picture that person. I'm not sure if you all do it when you read, but I get this little picture of a person using handmotions, facial expressions, and exclamations common to the individual while I read the post. It's fun.


Monster Librarian said...

I do the same thing Friend! Ha ha...too true! Enjoy the rest of your time in Atlanta. Tell Joel hi!

TSOldtimer said...

Hello hello! I'm having the same problem with disappearring time. I have a theory that it goes to the same place as the single socks from my laundry.

Kt said...

Yeah, it seems that the days are full no matter what you've got going on. Addictive blogging doesn't help, but it's been nice keeping in touch with people!

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